We are committed to the safety of our patients and team and continue to follow the latest national and local COVID-19 guidance. All of our Holcomb Laser Center offices are open and eager to serve patients for their eye care needs. If you have any specific questions about our cleaning and safety protocols, please contact us.
All doctors and staff were required to take dedicated training courses prior to returning to work for patient care. This training was designed with safety in mind and touches on every step in the patient journey. Self-reporting of any COVID-19 related symptoms, including fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell/taste, diarrhea, or extended exposure to an individual with COVID-19. Employees exhibiting signs or symptoms will not report to work. Employees must be able to honestly provide the desired answers to remain at work. Employees must sanitize hands and put on approved PPE prior to entering the office. Masks are optional, however patients can request that the team wears masks during their visit. Gloves will be worn by all staff who have direct patient contact.
All equipment or tools used throughout the pre-testing process and while in the exam room will be disinfected between every patient encounter. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to keep our office a safe space for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your appointment, please give us a call.